Big Bang Comics History Knight Watchman Pulp Cover

From our pals at Pulp 2.0

When you’re designing a book like the BIG BANG HISTORY OF COMICS, you’re part historian/ part archeologist. When you’re digging around the vault you’re bound to find most anything. (Beware of the snakes!)

For example: Here is the long lost cover to the aborted KNIGHT WATCHMAN pulp magazine. True fans know Garrison Robillard, the founder of Big Bang Comics got his start in the pulps, and for a brief moment considered creating a pulp magazine to complement the sales of DEDUCTIVE and other comics that Knight Watchman appeared within. Robillard was never afraid to “use all of the buffalo,” as long as it didn’t cost him a lot of money, and his magazine distribution co. needed product.

This cover was “commissioned” on a Friday and expected to be on Robillard’s desk Monday morning, hence this artwork’s resemblance to another pulp character who ironically also originated from comics [Which is where we think Robillard got the idea! ] — with Chris Ecker and Gary Carlson.

The post KNIGHT WATCHMAN PULP COVER appeared first on Big Bang Comics.